Prepping over 30,000 kilometres of snowmobile trails for the coming winter is an enormous task, and every club could use some extra help. Much of their effort occurs outdoors, including installing 10s of thousands of signs & stakes; clearing, brushing and grading; repairing bridges and culverts; and carving out necessary re-routes and detours. Snowmobilers offering to lend a hand for even a few hours can make a big difference.

But inside, there’s also work that needs doing, from scheduling trail work and supplies to keeping track of the finances, to club communications. Anyone with good computer and social media skills can offer their assistance – an ideal way for those who don’t live where they ride to volunteer remotely.

Students looking to fulfill community service commitments might want to consider volunteering for their local snowmobile club.

How else can you help? Donations of materials like lumber, gates, fencing, nails, etc can save your club money rather than having to buy these items. Same goes for prizes or gift cards that can be used for club fundraising activities. And if you own or have access to any equipment like excavators, backhoes, graders, dozers, trucks or ATVs, donating their use for trail work would be greatly appreciated.

Most OFSC Clubs can be found on Facebook by searching their name – you can learn about volunteering and contact them directly. If you are not able to locate your Club, Find Your District and go to their website to get contact information for your club of choice. Then give them a call and ask how you can help!

Why get involved?

  • Make a valuable contribution to your favourite winter activity
  • Achieve personal satisfaction, fulfillment from doing something worthwhile
  • Share new friendships, community involvement
  • Choose how and when you want to volunteer, and what you enjoy doing
  • Learn new skills and what it takes to make trails available
  • Participate in club events, social activities and rides with other snowmobilers
  • Earn volunteer community service hours for school

Ready to help?

Great! We’d love to have you join the team.

Reach out to your district office (Find Your District – Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs ( and they can connect you with a nearby club.

In Appreciation

The OFSC is proud and grateful for everything our volunteers do! Each Fall, we offer Volunteer Recognition awards to honour outstanding contributions across the province.

We would like to thank the very generous local businesses that support our Volunteer Recognition program with financial and in-kind contributions.

They have helped recognize the outstanding achievements of our incredibly passionate, dedicated, and hard working volunteers.

Volunteer Recognition Recipients

Check out award recipients and supporters for:


Interested in becoming a volunteer recognition supporter? We would love to hear from you! Please click here.