Snowmobiling Leaves Me Feeling Empowered


Snowmobiling leaves me feeling empowered. Hands on the grips, blowing past snow-covered trees, and the silence when you stop, it doesn’t get any better than that.

Snowmobiling this past season was as close as you could get to freedom during a global pandemic. Not only was it a glimpse into what life used to look like, but it brought a new level of importance to the term ‘mental health’. I may have ridden less than in a typical season, but each kilometer traveled meant more than it ever has. 

I spend the majority of the season with the Stoney Keppel Riders in District 9, inside of a groomer helping out where I can. The best moment is the sense of satisfaction when you look behind and see you have created one giant, smooth, flat, pancake-like trail that hundreds of riders get to experience. I love how riders are so appreciative and give you a big thumbs up or stop to chat and say thanks.  

Story and Photo provided by: Chris H.