OPP Meeting with OFSC

The OFSC is proud to partner with the Ontario Provincial Police to combat trespassing and ensure the safety on our trail network. In early May CEO Ryan Eickmeier and Stakeholder Relations Director Andrew Walasek welcomed Staff Sergeant Annie Gagnon and Sergeant Paul Beaton to Barrie to review year-end data from the...

OFSC Story Contest!

We want to hear about your favourite ride this past season! It can be a ride you enjoyed with friends, a significant other or your family. Tell us about your ride, any highlights (scenery, landmarks, towns, wildlife, etc.) and why it was your favourite. Winning Prize: A $500 InTouch VP GPS Gift Certificate We look...

Why I Enjoy Volunteering

I’ve been a volunteer with the Heart of Ontario Snowmobile Club since the 2018 season. I attended the last AGM as our Club representative and two weeks later became Club President.The 2023 season was different in a lot of ways. And certainly a challenging but rewarding season to take on the role, with a lot of...

The Power of Appreciation

“The OFSC” is comprised of 182 community snowmobile clubs who collectively provide 30,000 kilometres of what are officially called “OFSC Prescribed Snowmobile Trails”. These member clubs are only able to deliver trails because of the hard work and dedicated efforts of their volunteers and the cooperation and...

Rolling Up The White Carpet

We recently shared our new Volunteer/Landowner Appreciation PSA and reminded everyone to express their gratitude to these community-minded folks as this season comes to a close. But we also want to point out that the work of our club volunteers isn’t over yet That’s because it also takes a massive effort to...