We are thrilled to announce that an OFSC volunteer has won the Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations (CCSO) Outstanding Excellence Award for Tourism! The award is presented to an individual or organization in recognition of their efforts to implement an initiative that increases participation from snowmobilers...
2024 AGM/Convention and Volunteer Recognition Supporters
A big thank you to all of this year’s supporters. AGM Vendors Silver Level Bronze Level AGM & Convention Supporters Silver Level Bronze Level Friend Level Volunteer Recognition Supporters Platinum Level Gold Level Silver Level Bronze Level Friend Level...
2023-24 District and Provincial Volunteer Award Winners
This year’s OFSC Volunteer Recognition awards ceremony acknowledged and celebrated all the hard-working volunteers from the 2023-24 season. Join us in congratulating this year’s award winners! Words of Thanks From Supporters On behalf of everyone at Kimpex, we would like to extend our warmest thanks to all...
Volunteer Army Rises To Winter Challenge
The winter of 2024 in Ontario has been exceptional for two main reasons. One is exceptionally bad, the other exceptionally good. As every snowmobiler knows, the bad is that we’ve suffered the worst season in recent memory. Abnormally unreliable snow and temperatures have caused more snowmobiles to stay parked than...
Town Hall Tour – Districts 12 & 13
The #MakeItSnow Town Hall Tour 2024 entered its second week, with stops in the Sudbury Trail Plan (OFSC District 12) and Algoma Sno-Plan Affiliation (OFSC District 13). We had the opportunity to formally open new infrastructure, enjoy a trailside BBQ with some wonderful volunteers, and discuss important initiatives to...
Town Hall Tour – Districts 11, 14, & 15
The #MakeItSnow Town Hall Tour 2024 hit the road last week, with stops in the Northern Corridor du Nord Snowmobile Association (OFSC District 15), TATA – OFSC District 14 (OFSC District 14), and the Near North Trail Association – District 11 (OFSC D11). Through on-trail discussions and formal town...
2023 CCSO Award Recipient
We are very proud to announce that an OFSC family has won a CCSO Excellence Award for Family of the Year! This CCSO award is presented to a family that belongs to a club of a federation or association affiliated with the CCSO and has distinguished themselves in the following areas: volunteerism, leadership, safety,...
2023 AGM/Convention and Volunteer Recognition Supporters
A big thank you to our 2023 Volunteer Recognition Supporters: Platinum Level Gold Level Silver Level Bronze Level Friend Level A big thank you to our 2023 AGM & Convention Supporters: Silver Level Bronze Level Friend Level A big thank you to our 2023 Vendor Supporters: Gold Level Silver Level Bronze...
2022-23 District and Provincial Award Winners
Volunteers across the province reunited once again for our Annual OFSC Volunteer Recognition awards. Gathered under one roof to celebrate and acknowledge all of the hard-work and dedication from the 2022-23 season. Congratulations to all of the winners! District Award Recipients Outstanding Youth of the Year...
The Power of Appreciation
“The OFSC” is comprised of 182 community snowmobile clubs who collectively provide 30,000 kilometres of what are officially called “OFSC Prescribed Snowmobile Trails”. These member clubs are only able to deliver trails because of the hard work and dedicated efforts of their volunteers and the cooperation and...
Keeping The Faith
Many snowmobilers are upset about not being able to go trail riding whenever and wherever they want this season – and today’s rain across most of Southern Ontario won’t help. But all too often their social media annoyance is misdirected at OFSC clubs and volunteers. But that’s neither fair...
Students Build New Shelter for Cartier Moose Loop
Thanks to students of Bishop Alexander Carter CSS in Hanmer, trail riders will be safer and more comfortable on District 12’s Cartier Moose Loop in the Sudbury area. Here, their new shelter is in place to welcome riders this winter at the intersection of TOP C111D and Club Trail 56. To discover the...
2022 CCSO Award Recipient
2022 Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations Award Recipient We are very proud to announce that an OFSC volunteer had been nominated, and WON a CCSO Excellence Award for Outstanding Snowmobile Tourism Promotion and Development. The recipient of this award may be a tourism operator, or not-for-profit agency,...
2021-22 District and Provincial Award Winners
Finally, the first in-person OFSC Volunteer Recognition awards in over 2 years! Volunteers came together to acknowledge the dedication and valuable contributions from the 2021-22 season. Celebrations were even more special this year as we could see all of the smiling faces and hear the sounds cheers and clapping...
Find Your District & Get Involved

Prepping over 30,000 kilometres of snowmobile trails for the coming winter is an enormous task, and every club could use some extra help. Much of their effort occurs outdoors, including installing 10s of thousands of signs & stakes; clearing, brushing and grading; repairing bridges and culverts; and carving out...
2022 AGM & Convention and Volunteer Recognition Supporters
A big thank you to our 2022 Volunteer Recognition Supporters! Platinum Level Silver Level Bronze Level A big thank you to our 2022 AGM & Convention Supporters! Gold Level ...
Why Being Organized Is Important
Recreational snowmobile trail riding exists in Ontario because local volunteers organized snowmobile clubs. Then on February 4, 1967, 16 clubs organized into a non-profit provincial association they named the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs. Later, the clubs also organized themselves into area associations now...
Celebrating Our Volunteer Tradition
It started before clubs, before districts and before the OFSC. It started before trails, before permits, before signage, and before grooming. It started when the only places to ride your sled were in someone’s back forty. Or along old roads. Across frozen lake. Or on squirrely trapper’s paths. It started because...
2021 Provincial and District Award Winners

Over 200 volunteers joined the OFSC’s FIRST Virtual Volunteer Recognition ceremony on November 9th to celebrate the dedication and valuable contributions of our incredible volunteers. It was a great evening with “live” entertainment and a few special guest appearances! Please join us in congratulating all of...