OFSC Safe Riding Message For National Snowmobile Environment Month

Environmentally-Friendly Sledding is Part of Being a Safe Snowmobiler

(Barrie, ON, January 31, 2023) – February is National Snowmobile Environment Month, and the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs celebrates by reminding trail riders that snowmobilers have a collective interest in keeping nature beautiful. To do so, riders must snowmobile responsibly to foster a safe environment by protecting and preserving our land, forest and fauna. This proactive behaviour will help ensure that future generations can enjoy recreational riding on OFSC Prescribed Snowmobile Trails for years to come.

National Snowmobiling Environment Month also celebrates the ongoing stewardship accomplishments of our member clubs and volunteers. These ongoing initiatives include effective trail planning to protect sensitive habitats and species, to control erosion, to protect rivers and streams with bridges and culverts, plus activities such as seeding, tree planting, working with provincial ministries and environment groups, and ongoing education and outreach efforts within the snowmobiling community.

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OFSC Issues Urgent Appeal To Save Our Trails

Snowmobile Trails, A Unique Winter Asset Benefitting All Ontarians

(Barrie, ON – January 24, 2022): For more than 50 years, community-minded landowners have partnered with volunteers in local snowmobile clubs to provide their area with recreational snowmobile trails. This rural tradition has created many economic, recreational, social, and health benefits to enhance the winter well-being of hometowns and their residents across the province.

With over 50% of trails now available for recreational riding, the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) is celebrating these unique and enduring relationships, and the incredible trail network of 30,000 kilometres of OFSC Prescribed Trails we’ve built together, about 60% of which are located on private property. Today, the OFSC is issuing a special call to action: Let’s work together to Save Our Trails.

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New Campaign Invites Ontario Snowmobilers To Take The Pledge This Winter

(Barrie, ON – November 8, 2021) – With winter fast approaching, thousands of Ontario sledders are answering an appeal from the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) to join a groundswell movement to protect recreational OFSC snowmobile trails on private property, land access and landowners. This action will also help ensure that OFSC trails generate an economic impact of up to $3.3 Billion to assist Ontario’s economic recovery this season.

The OFSC request to snowmobilers supports the Take The Pledge social media campaign launched by the International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association (ISMA) throughout North America late last week. In an accompanying video, renown ambassadors and influencers from all snowmobile brands speak directly to their peers about only riding where it’s legal to do so.


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OFSC Asks Snowmobilers To Play Key Role In Anti-Trespass Initiatives

Help Support Our Landowners and Protect OFSC Trails On Private Property

(Barrie, ON: March 4, 2021) – The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) is asking all snowmobilers to join us in keeping OFSC trails available to ride every winter. Thanks to 18,000 generous landowners, about 60% of OFSC trails cross private property, providing access to communities and services, as well as connections neighbouring regions, and safer riding for everyone. So each snowmobiler who loves trail riding shares a common goal of protecting our trails on private property, respecting our landowner partners, and maintaining the inter-connected trail system that provides so many positive benefits for rural economies.

All of us have a part to play in preserving snowmobile trails and standing up for our landowners. Together, our goal is to make wandering off the marked trail and trespassing on private property as socially unacceptable within the snowmobile community as drinking and driving, driving without a seatbelt, or smoking in the workplace are throughout our province.

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