OFSC Update On Groomer Investment for 2021 Season

Trail Consistency Is Top Priority For All Available Trails

By The Numbers:
• $3.8M grooming investment
• 10 New groomers and 12 new grooming drags
• 19 Refurbished groomers
• 4 Standby grooming units

(Barrie, ON: October 22, 2020) – The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs is pleased to provide a progress update on its grooming capability for the coming season, funded by a $3.8 million investment from permit revenues. In conjunction with its Trails To Ride 2021 plan, the OFSC’s comprehensive provincial fleet management strategy focuses on optimizing the effectiveness and efficiency of one of the world’s largest trail groomer fleets with 300 units.

New Groomers: With this investment, the OFSC has purchased 10 new groomers for use on the snow this winter. For example, 3 new groomers are assigned to different sections of the RAP Tour to keep up with high traffic demands. Three others are allocated to different sections of the TOP A Trail from North Bay to Cochrane. In addition, the OFSC has purchased 10 new drags.

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OFSC Health & Safety Plan Protects Volunteers, Landowners, Communities & Riders

Careful Riding Behaviours Help Keep Trails Available to Ride All Winter

(Barrie, ON: October 8, 2020) – Under its Trails To Ride 2021 action plan, the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) has created new strategies to ensure the health and safety of everyone working on, riding on or depending on OFSC trails. These actions will also protect the snowbelt communities, hospitality providers and residents that serve OFSC trails. To accomplish this and in cooperation with snowbelt public health units, the OFSC has developed the most progressive pandemic response plan among Canadian trail user groups as a part of Trails To Ride 2021.

“Delivering the best possible trail riding experience this winter depends on everyone residing along our trails feeling safe to welcome visitors this winter.” said CEO Landon French. “The OFSC takes this responsibility very seriously and is asking snowmobilers to respect the health and safety of our host communities, landowners and trail accessible services.”

The OFSC health & safety initiative includes helping OFSC districts, clubs and volunteers to work smart and safe throughout this fall and winter. At the end of September, the OFSC provided member organizations with a comprehensive COVID-19 Best Practices resources developed in partnership with Workplace Safety North to ensure all trail work is proactively conducted following the latest protocols.

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Last Chance for Lowest Permit Fee of the Season

Buy Now To Save Plus Get $25 Rider Advantage Confidence Bonus

(Barrie, ON: October 1, 2020) – The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) remains very optimistic about delivering the best possible trail riding experience this winter with its Trails To Ride 2021 plan. So it’s all systems go with pre-season preparations – and we’re reminding snowmobilers who haven’t already done so to join us in launching the 2021 snowmobile season by buying your Snowmobile Trail Permit now. Purchasing in October provides buyers with both the lowest permit fee and your last chance for a Rider Advantage Confidence Bonus.

“We’d like to thank everyone who purchased their permit in September to take advantage of our best offer of the season,” said CEO Landon French. “There’s still time to take advantage of a $25 Rider Advantage Confidence Bonus and to support our volunteers, clubs, districts and staff in making Trails To Ride 2021 a reality.”

2021 Snowmobile Trail Permits are available for purchase online at www.ofsc.on.ca along with all the early buying details to qualify for the $25 Rider Advantage Confidence Bonus. For snowmobilers waiting on their new sleds, no VIN is required to purchase an OFSC Gift Card, which locks in the October fee and Rider Advantage Confidence Bonus now, and can be redeemed for a permit after your sled is delivered.

More OFSC strategy announcements regarding the health and safety of its members, volunteers, landowners and permit buyers will follow shortly.

The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) is a volunteer led not for profit association that provides the voice for organized snowmobiling in the Province of Ontario. The snowmobile trails managed by 200 community based, member organizations, generate up to $3.3 billion in economic activity across the province each year.

OFSC Committed To Providing Trails To Ride This Winter

Prep Work Underway To Ready Snowmobile Trails For Grooming

Rider Questions Covered In This Release:

  • Will There Be Trails To Ride This Winter? See Trails To Ride 2021
  • What Happens If COVID Hits Some Regions? See Flex Trail Options
  • What’s Being Done To Make Trails Safer? See Pandemic Response Plan
  • What Is The $50 Bonus & How Do I Get It? See Rider Advantage Confidence Bonus

(Barrie, ON: September. 24, 2020) – As the voice of organized snowmobiling and the recognized leader for powersports tourism and recreation in this province, the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) is committed to delivering the best possible trail riding experiences for snowmobilers this winter.

Trails To Ride 2021: The OFSC is accomplishing this mission under its Trails To Ride 2021 initiative. This action plan starts by getting trail preparations and operations underway this fall for the provincial trail system to achieve the OFSC’s top priority of having trails ready to groom as soon as snow conditions allow.

“As usual, some regions will have trails ready to ride earlier than others, depending on their location and weather,” commented new OFSC President Murray Baker. “Our main goal is to have trails in all OFSC districts ready to go as soon as Mother Nature allows.”

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OFSC Takes Driver Training 100% Online For 2020-21

Registration Now Available For Youth ages 12 and Older

(Barrie, ON: September 17, 2020) – The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) is pleased to announce that for the 2020-21 season, its popular Driver Training Program will continue to teach young riders the skills and habits necessary to be safe and courteous snowmobile operators entirely online.

Working with the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO), OFSC Driver Training has made a major contribution to snowmobile safety since 1976 by educating 244,611 students age 12 and older with classroom-style courses in select communities across Ontario. Driver Training graduates qualify to obtain a Motorized Snow Vehicle Operator’s License from MTO.

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OFSC Tips For September Permit & Gift Card Buying

How to Lock In the Lowest Permit Fee & the Highest Rider Advantage Confidence Bonus

(Barrie, ON: September 10, 2020) – The Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) is pleased to report a strong kick off to early permit sales in the first two weeks of September. Snowmobilers across the province are showing their support for pre-season trail preparations, while benefiting from the lowest permit fee and qualifying for the highest Rider Advantage Confidence Bonus.

About Ontario Snowmobile Trail Permits

Under Ontario law, Snowmobile Trail Permits sold by the OFSC under the authority of the Ministry of Transportation are mandatory for recreational snowmobiling on OFSC Prescribed Trails. All revenues from these MTO permits are allocated through the OFSC to deliver organized snowmobile trails.

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