No Change For OFSC Snowmobile Trails At This Time

Trails Remain A Permitted Recreational Activity Under New Regs

OFSC Update Based On Info Available as of January 14 at 9 AM

On January 12th, 2021, the Province of Ontario announced a second province-wide State-of-Emergency and a new Stay At Home Order. The Order, which has come as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, will take effect at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, January 14th and will last at least 28 days. On January 13 at 5:56 PM, the Province issued an Order In Council with the regulations for the Stay At Home Order. This Order In Council specifically allows:

16. Exercising, including,

i. walking or moving around outdoors using an assistive mobility device, or

i i. using an outdoor recreational amenity that is permitted to be open under the Stage 1 Order.

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Rider Surveys Provide Valuable Insight for Organized Snowmobiling in Ontario

OFSC Shares Key Rider Preference Results With Snowmobilers For The First Time

(Barrie, ON: January 7, 2021) – To improve our trail riding experience for snowmobilers, the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) conducts our Rider Opinion & Preference Survey every other spring to learn more from riders while the past season is still top of mind. To our knowledge, no other snowmobile association in North America does anything similar or as frequently. Today, we are sharing some of our results from our most recent survey, Spring 2020, to give you another glimpse into the broad range of activities we undertake every year.

About The Surveys: These anonymous surveys repeat previous questions so we can compare answers and identify trends important to all of us. Each time, we also add new questions to address emerging issues or clarify your previous responses. Our results from survey to survey remain remarkably consistent, regardless of weather, snow cover, or season length.

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